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Attorney Remembered as Divorce Taxation Expert

Written by Admin | Aug 26, 2019 5:00:00 AM
TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2019 | SERVING CHICAGO’S LEGAL COMMUNITY FOR 164 YEARS | CHICAGOLAWBULLETIN.COM VOLUME 165, NO. 162 Attorney remembered as divorce taxation expert Sarah ManSur always a ray of sunshine in Center, which is an online the office. support network for victims “Even in the midst of a of domestic violence. During Meighan A. Har- very stressful and some- “He was a very decent mon’s wedding reception, times acrimonious practice, man. Not only an honorable her Schiller DuCanto & he was a jovial and happy lawyer but a decent human Fleck LLP colleague David guy,” she said. being,” Schiller said. Hopkins approached her, Donald C. Schiller, senior On top of his law career, wanting to have a deep dis- partner at the firm, knew of Hopkins raised and bred cussion about the future of Hopkins and his tax practice English springer spaniels. the firm. while he was still at McDer- He was active with the Harmon was slightly dis- mott Will & Emery. American Kennel Club and tricted, but she appreciated “He had a sterling reputa- was a member of the board his passion. tion as a lawyer and also was of directors for the organiza- Daniel Hopkins “He was invested in the very knowledgeable and tion’s Canine Health Foun- legacy of Schiller DuCanto & respected in field of divorce Hopkins’ work in the area dation. Fleck in a very passionate taxation,” Schiller said. of domestic violence law Saranne C. Siewerth, who way,” she said. “He gave a lot At Schiller DuCanto & developed because it was an retired from Schiller to the support and evolu- Fleck, Hopkins concen- issue faced by clients in his DuCanto & Fleck in 2013, tion of the firm, particularly trated on divorce taxation practice, Schiller said. owned four dogs that Hop- early on.” and domestic violence “There is as much domes- kins bred. Hopkins, an attorney with issues. From 1980 to 1986, tic violence among wealthy “He was very careful about Schiller DuCanto & Fleck Hopkins chaired the Ameri- people as there is among the breeding of his dogs and since 1983, died on Aug. 7 at can Bar Association Tax Sec- people generally,” Schiller he never ever let a dog go to age 75, following a battle tion’s Domestic Relations said. “David was seeing how someone who he had not with cancer. Tax Simplification Task some spouses, usually a personally interviewed,” she He is survived by his wife Force, which drafted and wife, was victimized and said. Marie and two children, proposed divorce tax helpless more or less Hopkins’ family has Christopher and Melissa. reforms to the Internal Rev- because she couldn’t get requested that in lieu of Hopkins earned his law enue Code. the help of law enforce- flowers, contributions may degree from Columbia Law Harmon described Hop- ment.” be made to: The American School and began his career kins as a “technician.” He was chair of the task Cancer Society at at McDermott Will & Emery “He was extraordinarily force that helped rewrite the or to The American Kennel LLP. good at drafting and sorting Illinois Domestic Violence Club Canine Health Founda- Harmon said Hopkins’ out the important details in Act. Hopkins also was a tion cheery demeanor was cases,” she said. founder of The Weitzman donate/. Copyright © 2019 Law Bulletin Media. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Law Bulletin Media.