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Counseling family law clients during a pandemic

Written by Admin | Mar 25, 2020 5:00:00 AM
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 VOLUME 166, NO. 59 Counseling family law clients during a pandemic If the last week has proven off, just significantly limited obtaining a remote oral anything, it is that there is no so that judges can be prove-up (2020 D 10); and playbook for advising clients available to address procedures for submitting during a global pandemic emergency situations. agreed final orders (2020 with such unprecedented As of the writing of this D11). reach and ramifications. The article, the presiding judge All general orders can all closing of schools, remote of Cook County’s Domestic be found on the Cook working from home, social Relations Division, Circuit County Domestic Relations distancing, and the Judge Grace G. Dickler, has website. suspension of normal court issued 10 Domestic Given the limited access to access is quickly becoming Relations Division general courts for the near future, the new normal. orders addressing the MICHELLE A. LAWLESS and possibly longer, But for families involved in administrative aspects of the engaging in the dispute MICHELLE A. LAWLESS is a family law dispute such as division from now until resolution process may be a partner at Schiller, DuCanto a divorce, parentage matter, April 15. Under the general worth exploring in certain & Fleck LLP whose practice or victims of domestic orders, orders of protections cases. Several mediators are concentrates on valuations of violence, the massive set to expire between March offering remote mediation closely held businesses, tax disruption of their routine 17 and April 15 are services to deal with and estate planning matters, and access to courts is more extended and continued to a emergency temporary custodial and support than an inconvenience — it date set forth in the order issues. The use of video arrangements for minor may be a hardship or a (2020 D 2). There are also conferencing in an attorney- children as well as multistate situation which adds procedures in place to assisted mediation model jurisdictional disputes. She enormous stress to an submit emergency motions allows clients the works with each client to find already tense situation. to the court for an initial opportunity to attempt to individualized solutions, During this difficult time finding of an emergency resolve their case with the whether that is through lawyers should remember before the merits of the advice of counsel while not collaborative settlement or that they are counselors pleading are heard (2020 D having to engage in an in- traditional litigation. She can engaged to render wise 3); procedures to submit person meeting. be reached at counsel. Being calm, agreed temporary orders Parenting issues are thoughtful and reassuring electronically (2020 D 4); experiencing the most when giving advice will provisions for temporary procedures to request an impact during this COVID- convey to clients that you restraining orders and extension of a plenary order 19 outbreak. Allocation understand that they are preliminary injunctions to of protection (2020 D 7); judgments (formerly known stressed, but that you are be extended 30 days from parenting time guidelines as custody judgments) were ready and available to them. the original return date (2020 D 8); procedures for entered into without the lens It is also important to advise (2020 D 5); procedures to rescheduling Cook County of a global pandemic. them that the access to the appoint a special process state’s attorney cases (2020 Reviewing the judgments courts is not completely shut server (2020 D 6); D 9); guidelines for now and assessing what Copyright © 2020 Law Bulletin Media. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Law Bulletin Media.Copyright © 2020 Law Bulletin Media. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Law Bulletin Media.