ESQUIRE THE HUMAN SIDE OF THE LAW Brittany Heitz Goodlett has quickly established herself as one of Chicago’s exceptionally talented family law attorneys, having recently been recognized as an Illinois 40 Under 40 Attorney to Watch by Law Bulletin Media and a Top 10 Emerging Lawyer by Leading Lawyers Network. Ten years into her legal career, her determination in humanizing family law and dedication to maintaining positive relationships with her clients have made her stand out as a rising star of family law. WORDS BY CAITLIN MCCAULEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY BRIAN CAREY AND JAMES GUSTIN/FIG MEDIA B rittany Heitz Goodlett has always felt a strong commit- communication skills to listen to your needs.” ment to family law, despite the ups and downs that of- Open communication with clients is essential to Goodlett’s ten accompany this field of law. This passion has driven practice. By maintaining positive relationships with her clients, her elevation to partner with Schiller DuCanto & Goodlett is better able to understand her clients’ needs and take Fleck LLP, one of the nation’s most prestigious firms specializing the proper steps to achieve outcomes in their favor. in complex high net worth divorce, within her first seven years of “If you’re not listening to your clients and understanding their practice—one the fastest partner tracks in the history of the firm. individual needs,” Goodlett says, “you’re not setting them up for “Having the opportunity to advocate for each of my clients and success in the future.” make their lives better brings purpose to my work,” says Goodlett. Even in the most difficult and contentious of cases, Goodlett Goodlett’s primary goal in each case is to ensure her clients and remains committed to achieving wins for her clients. Her goal is their families will have successful, healthy, and happy lives follow- always to create and obtain solutions that allow her clients to suc- ing their divorce. cessfully move forward with their lives. Part of what makes Goodlett’s approach unique is that she Goodlett remains steadfastly committed to doing everything truly understands each case is more than just another stack of files in her power not to let cases become too destructive—especially where it’s her team against opposing counsel. She recognizes there when children are involved. are real lives being affected and drastically altered. “There’s a difference between advocacy and raising issues for the “This is a really human side of the law,” Goodlett stresses. sake of creating problems,” Goodlett says. In each of her cases, Goodlett strives to find that human con- Goodlett’s commitment to her clients and her ability to relate nection with her clients. Her approach is to first understand each to the very real and human side of family law make her a talented, client’s goals and perspectives, then create individualized strategies yet compassionate litigator. With Goodlett’s winning track record tailored to each objective. One of Goodlett’s strengths is knowing and stellar reputation, clients know their needs will be listened to when to advocate for her clients in litigation, and when to take a and understood—and that she’ll never stop fighting for positive step back and think long-term. In other words, she knows when, outcomes on their behalf. and how, to pursue the right battles for her clients. Goodlett stresses that communication style is key to compat- The Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP Chicago office is located at 321 ibility between family law attorneys and clients. She urges those North Clark Street, Suite 1200. For more information, call 312-641- seeking a family law attorney to look for “someone who has the 5560 or visit HINSDALE LIVING 36