ESQUIRE PAVING THE WAY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF WOMEN IN FAMILY LAW Meighan Harmon has been with Schiller DuCanto & Fleck since 2001 and has seen vast changes in both the family law profession and in the firm itself. Harmon is deeply involved with Schiller DuCanto & Fleck’s evolution, as they shift from their founding generation to the next generation. WORDS BY CAITLIN MCCAULEY / PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBIN SUBAR I n her 20 years at Schiller DuCanto & ing the women of the firm as lawyers and as Fleck, LLP, Meighan Harmon has fo- leaders.” cused her practice on both litigation and Harmon has witnessed first-hand the rare mediation while also contributing to the atmosphere at Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, firm’s management. Today, she is a member where there is no male-dominant culture that of the of the Executive Committee and the is typical of most mid to larger size law firms. first female Managing Partner. She emphasizes that being a woman was never As a Managing Partner, Harmon’s role a barrier when it came to rising through the is to oversee the day-to-day operations of ranks with the firm. Harmon and her female the firm, as well as budget and manage the colleagues have enjoyed the same opportunities firm’s finances. Harmon heads the Executive as their male counterparts, especially early on in Committee, comprised of two other senior their careers, when many women choose to start female partners and one of the firm’s found- families. Especially since Schiller DuCanto & ing partners. Fleck is a family law firm, women at the firm “With every decision that gets made, we know they will be supported when starting a try to develop a mutual vision of the future, family without fear of being penalized or hin- and work to build a consensus and col- dered from cultivating a successful legal career. laboration amongst all of our partners,” says Harmon notes the importance for young Harmon. female lawyers to learn from other successful fe- As one of the three women who serve on male leaders like herself. “It gives young women the firm’s Executive Committee, Harmon the professional confidence that they’ll be okay develops the committee’s agenda and helps and that there is a path for them to have both guide the overall strategic vision for the firm. professional and personal success—it may not She also conducts the partner’s and all attor- be easy, but they don’t have to choose one over neys meetings and motivates her team with a the other.” Harmon is a perfect example of that, “lead by example” approach. given that she is a working mother herself. Although her leadership roles and duties In terms of the future for the firm, the sky at the firm keep her busy, Harmon still dedicates most of her time is the limit. Despite being a Chicago-area-based firm, Harmon to her clients. In fact, she’s tried the most cases of her career in also sees an uptick in consulting on cases nationally in the firm’s 2021 alone. future and hopes to see more traveling to try major cases in the What Harmon has come to appreciate throughout her 20 years coming years. Harmon is excited about continuing to help the next with the firm is Schiller DuCanto & Fleck’s commitment to pro- generation of lawyers grow within the firm as she has over the last gression and change. Although the firm was founded by men forty 20 years. And with additional brand-new office space in Chicago, years ago, today the majority of the partners, as well as members Schiller DuCanto & Fleck hopes to expand its bench of highly of the Executive Committee, are women. This is a significant shift skilled and successful family law attorneys. from when Harmon first joined the firm, and there were no female partners. The Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP Chicago office is located at 321 N. “It’s a tribute to our founders,” says Harmon. “While they were Clark Street, Suite 1200. For more information, call 312-641-5560 or all men, they understood the importance of investing and nurtur- visit HINSDALE LIVING 46