ESQUIRE FINDING YOUR FIT: WHAT MATTERS WHEN HIRING A DIVORCE LAWYER Anita Ventrelli hears a lot from people who regret things about their family law cases. A common theme she sees in those with regrets comes from a lack of connection to the lawyer they hired and how that relationship affected their experience. Ventrelli discusses the importance of looking for what you value in the lawyer you select and treating the hiring process as an investment in yours and your family’s future. PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBIN SUBAR ost people who hire a divorce lawyer don’t see it for means listening without judgment or agenda. Good lawyers adapt M what it is, an investment in both their present peace and work with client strengths while counseling realistic expecta­ of mind and in their future. Anita Ventrelli, of Schil­ tions and issue spotting for risks. ler DuCanto & Fleck LLP, knows what prospective “It’s not just about the law, it’s about the law as it touches clients should ask about and what quaBties they should lpoeookp floer’s lives,” says Ventrelli. when interviewing potential attorneys. Ventrelli sees people asking only about legal process and not One of Ventrelli’s career-defining cases found her when a quad­ about how the relationship will work. While experience and rates riplegic mother of four special needs children reached out to her. matter, equally important questions deal with how the lawyer She hoped to find an attorney who believed in her case instead of works, for example: “If I send you an email, when will you answer? telling her she had no way to avoid surrendering custody. Ventrelli How do to I reach you for an afterhours emergency? How will you told the naysayers they would see that that her client had a better help me understand the processes that the case requires? What role team to meet the childrens needs. Today, that mother has sole legal do I play? Such questions will provide insight into communica­ custody of her children who live with her full time. Why? Because tion’s style and methods. If you feel better leaving the consultation Ventrelli found ways to make a Guardian, two evaluators and a than you did when you went in, it’s a sign of good fit. Judge see her client as a person, not a disability. While it surprised “My goal is to get my clients through the process on a no­ many, there was never a doubt in Ventrelli’s mind that her client regrets basis,” says Ventrelli. When clients tell her what they want, didn’t have everything she needed to parent her children. why, and what might change their goals, it gives her a clear picture “When you believe in somebody’s case, working through it of what she has to work with and priceless insight into a client’s and putting it together becomes a labor of love,” says Ventrelli. personality, motivations, and how they work best. This fuel’s Ven- “Believing is the whole ball game.”The right attorney listens to trelli’s creative drive to tell each client’s story in the most persua­ what someone wants, thinks creatively, and helps with goal setting, sive and legally supported manner possible. education, and cost benefit analysis. Well-rounded lawyers know how to research, write, do discovery, run a team, roll with the The Schiller DuCanto Fleck LLP Chicago office is located at 321 N unexpected and navigate courtrooms. They work in dispute resolu­ Clark St., Suite 1200. For more information, call 312-641-5560 or tion and litigate, and they excel at communicating. For clients, this visit sdfla' HINSDALE LIVING 50