ESQUIRE CONFRONTING PERSONALITY DISORDERS AND ADDICTION IN DIVORCE Karen Pinkert-Lieb of Schiller DuCanto (fc Fleck LLP understands it takes a unique set of skills to successfully navigate divorce cases involving addiction, personality disorders, and high-conflict individuals. WORDS BY CAITLIN MCCAULEY / PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBIN SUBAR hroughout the course of her 30-plus T years as one of Chicago’s leading and most respected family law attorneys, Karen Pinkert-Lieb has witnessed a surge in divorces caused by narcissistic personal­ ity disorders and addiction issues, often involving a party who lacks a formal diagnosis. Previously named Family Law Attorney of the Year in Illinois by Best Lawyers of America as well as the Top Woman Family Law Attorney in Illinois by Lead­ ing Lawyers Network, Pinkert-Lieb has evolved her practice to expertly handle these delicate cases. Pinkert-Lieb’s background in psychopathology and her depth of experience helps her identify disordered personality traits and addiction quickly and adapt her case strategy accordingly. Through client education, practical tools, involvement of mental health professionals, and the use of the me­ diators who are seasoned in handling high-conflict matters, Pinkert-Lieb can seamlessly guide her clients through While Pinkert-Lieb earned a reputation as a fierce litigator what could otherwise be an expensive, protracted, and emotionally during the first twenty years of her practice, today, seventy percent devasting divorce. of her practice is dedicated to alternative dispute resolution such “I educate my clients about co-parenting with someone with a as mediation. “I’ve litigated high-conflict cases that have been personality disorder,” says Pinkert-Lieb. “You must be prepared and expensive and have been bounced around the system. While the preemptive to address issues that may arise.” For example, clients adversarial system may be fine for dissolving business disputes, it must learn skills to create a type of emotional armor to protect is unsuitable for families, particularly parents who will have a con­ themselves and their children. Communication styles should be tinued relationship because of their children. Moreover, the court specifically tailored to avoid additional conflict. The availability of system only seeks to embolden a high-conflict party, who now has a third-party arbiter to quickly resolve future parenting disputes is an audience for his or her narrative,” says Pinkert-Lieb. “Mediation also beneficial. Pinkert-Lieb does not see her role ending as soon is infinitely better as a divorce is granted. Her goal is to have protections in place to for the family.” What is remarkable is Pinkert-Lieb came to this ensure a successful outcome for the family well into the future. realization well before many lawyers in the field were advocating for After many years of practice, it can be easy for an attorney to alternative dispute resolution. employ a cookie-cutter method, but that has never been Pinkert- Pinkert-Lieb warns that individuals who possess addictive or Lieb’s approach. “Each case is unique as are my client’s needs and narcissistic personality traits may lack the empathy necessary to lead priorities. My goal is to listen carefully and consistently to my client to an easy settlement, but she maintains that mediation is still the to ensure that I am guiding them toward a solution which is best best forum for resolution. “It is in these cases in particular that we suited for their specific goals.” Pinkert-Lieb and her client function must bring calm to the storm and order to the chaos.” as a team during the divorce process. “My style is focused on cli­ ent preparation, communication, and client-involved strategy and The Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP Chicago office is located at 321 decision-making. Often my clients have been subject to long-term N. Clark Street, Suite 1200, 312- 641-5560. The Lake Forest office is gas-lighting and manipulation by his or her spouse. This can result located at One Conway Park, 100 N Field Drive, Suite 160, 847-615- in self-doubt and fear. My job is to help my clients rediscover their 8300. TLhe Wheaton office is located at 310 South County Farm Road, confidence and voice.” Suite 300, 630-665-5800. For more information, visit HINSDALE LIVING 58