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Meighan Harmon Featured In "Power Women" Issue Of Sheridan Road Magazine

Written by Admin | Oct 3, 2022 5:00:00 AM
“If you want peace, work for justice.” – POPE PAUL IV ELITE ESQUIRE M EIGHAN A. HARMON is the Manag- ing Partner of Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP, an Illinois firm with a nationally recognized reputation for serving high- net-worth clients in family law matters. Meighan is part of an elite group of leaders in family law. She is an active member of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, having served as the President of the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in 2011. What is your business style? I am direct—but with empathy. I work hard to stay curious when other’s words or actions don’t make sense to me. I find that with a little patience and a lot of questions, what is at the root of a person’s thoughts will make itself known. In order to really connect with clients and achieve their goals, knowing their ‘why’ is essential. How do you impact your clients? My primary focus in representing clients is to help them set themselves up for success in the future. It’s very easy for clients to stay mired in the past while struggling through the process of divorce—but the best results are achieved when clients are future-focused. What are your greatest wins? My treasured wins come in the form of former clients who reach out and tell me how well they (and their kids) are doing post-divorce. What is your best networking advice? Just do it! Some of the best networking I’ve done has been at events I dreaded and had to make myself attend. Keeping notes in my contacts is also invaluable to me. I’m terrible with names, but if I can refresh my memory with a few details about a person—it all comes back to me. For more information, visit SSHHEERRIIDDAANN RROOAADD 117711 SSRR__11002222__PPoowweerrWWoommeenn__VV11..iinndddd 117711 99//1166//2222 22::2255 PPMM