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A Quick Guide to the Collaborative Divorce Approach

Written by Admin | Jan 6, 2022 6:00:00 AM
Many people end their marriages due to a mutual “drifting apart” rather than an explosive cause such as infidelity. If this describes your situation, you might not connect with the bombastic depictions of divorce in TV shows and movies, and you may wonder whether there’s a more peaceful way to proceed. Read on for our quick guide to the collaborative divorce approach.A collaborative divorce is all about working with your ex-partner to resolve any issues that need settling rather than airing your dirty laundry in front of a judge. This approach allows you to use interest-based negotiation to get what’s best for you and your children. Attorneys will help, but they’ll act as guides through the mire rather than warriors charging into battle for you.Choosing collaborative divorce is ideal for several reasons, but here are a few that are often the most compelling:Other than passionate lawyers, no one enjoys spending time in court. It’s a formal, uncomfortable setting that makes everyone wish they were home. Collaborative divorce keeps you outside the court system entirely.The collaborative process is built to protect both parties. For that reason, anything you divulge during collaboration is not admissible in court. This is extremely useful if one or both parties ever decides that collaboration isn’t going to work and they want to go through litigation instead.Divorce proceedings can easily get caught up in your past rather than looking ahead. The collaborative approach is all about focusing on the future and how things can improve from where they are—it reframes divorce into a positive, hopeful process.Finally, collaborative divorce moves away from the traditionally combative style that most divorces usually take. Mediation and honest discussions are more common with collaborative divorces as long as both parties are committed to making it work.If all of this sounds like it’s for you, reach out to us about collaborative divorce in Illinois. Now that you’ve read our quick guide to the collaborative divorce approach, you can work with your partner and reach a peaceful conclusion to your time together.