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Child Custody Hearings: What To Expect

Written by Admin | Mar 10, 2021 6:00:00 AM
A child custody hearing is a pivotal and stressful occasion for family members, as the outcome of the hearing determines when, where, and how parents will see their children in the wake of a divorce or separation. You’ve done the right thing by exploring how best to prepare for these hearings, which can be businesslike, expedient, and more about facts than feelings. Here’swhat to expect in the child custody hearingyou have scheduled.You May Be on a “Rocket Docket”Don’t expect your custody hearing to be the trial of the century. Family courts are notoriously overburdened, and the court may try to keep the proceedings moving as briskly as possible. When this is the case, every minute counts. In the bustling courts ofIllinois,child custody attorneyshave to operate within a condensed time frame, so be sure to retain expert representation.Questions About FinancesYour financial situation will be very important to the outcome of your custody hearing. Expect thorough questioning on your finances, including queries about your income, investments, and any outstanding debts you owe. This information will help the court determine what level of custody you can handle, as well as the amount of child support the court believes you should pay.Examining the Relationship Between ParentsOne of the key determinants to the outcome of a custody hearing is the level of communication between the two separating parents. In most instances, the preference of the court is to award joint custody so long as it is in the best interests of the child or children. Though joint custody is an ideal situation, managing its intricacies is not easy, and it requires rapport and understanding between the co-parents. Failing to demonstrate ability or willingness to work with an ex-spouse during a hearing can be a critical blow to securing joint custody.Expect a Prompt RulingUnderstand that your situation is as unique as it is mundane. While the outcome of this hearing means everything to you and represents a pivotal moment in your life, the presiding judge has seen many cases like yours before. They will not spend much time deliberating on a ruling. You will get your decision, likely within that same day, then they’ll move on to the next case.It’s Not About YouAn important aspect ofchild custody hearingsandwhat to expectin them is that the court is looking to do what’s best, not for one parent or the other, but for the child or children who are caught in the middle. Even if you do everything right, you still may not win your case due to factors beyond your control. Nevertheless, you owe it to yourself and your child to put your best foot forward on this important day.