Divorce is an unfortunate life event for many individuals. Not only can divorce be strenuous on your relationship with family and friends, you’ll also need to divide tangible assets. A lot of individuals have a hard time giving up certain items.Sometimes the divorce requires it—but sometimes it doesn’t. We compiled a list of vital information aboutdividing household items during a divorce.Read on to learn more.Every couple will have items their partner hadbeforethe marriage; the court will generally honor that timeline. In other words, if you brought an item that you owned before you married your partner into the shared residence, the judge will likely consider that item yours. You should separate your items based on what was yours before the marriage. If you were gifted an item or you obtained an item during the marriage, you’ll need to reach an agreement with your partner either through court or personally.Of course, every household will have various valuable items such as furniture, electronics, kitchenware, and artwork. You and your partner should first agree on an appraiser, then compile a list of the items for appraisal. From here, you and your partner can decide on a number of options. First, determine who’s going to get what, and second, if any items will be sold or donated. It’s up to you and your partner’s discretion if you’re going to agree to accept the appraisals or get a second opinion.You may have reached agreements with some of the smaller items, but what about the larger items, such as appliances or furniture? A lot of couples have a hard time agreeing on who deserves the large household items. Additionally, if you have to go to a court in order to divide assets you should hire aproperty division lawyer. Not only will theybe able to help you divide household items; they can assist with the home itself, vehicles, boats, and so on.There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes todividing household items during a divorce. Each divorce has its own challenges to sort out. While you and your partner could reach many agreements on your own, you will need a property attorney at some point in the process.Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP, have some of the most seasoned property attorneys in the Chicagoland area. Our team always functions with your best interest in mind. We’re here for you. Contact us today with any questions you may have or if you’re ready to set up an appointment.