Donald Schiller and Carlton Marcyan will share insights on complex financial issues family law attorneys encounter as part of the 2021 Illinois Continuing Legal Education (IICLE) virtual conference, “Business Valuation, Financial & Tax Issues in Divorce: Defining & Understanding Income,” hosted on Monday, January 18, 2021 from 8:40 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Donald and Carlton will be joined by other divorceprofessionals and a judicialpanel to discuss recentcase law updates and discuss in-depth as towhat constitutes “income” in family law cases.Donald will present on “The Power and Pitfalls of an Attorney’s Engagement Agreement” in which he will examine how to avoid “contingent fee” pitfalls and explain the several factors that determine a reasonable final fee in domestic relations cases.As part of the presentation on “What is a Reasonable Rate of Return for Court Purposes?: or the Quest for the Holy Grail,” Carlton will discuss the nuances ofthe 5th District’s recent Lugge case and explore various approaches used to develop and defend rates of return on investment portfolios. He will also address the impact of what can affectexpected return rates and comment on historical returns studies of markets and different investor groups.Committed to staying on the cutting edge of family law trends, Donald is a co-author for the monthly IICLE Family Law Flashpoints articles which examines relevant case law. Carlton also serves on the IICLE Planning Committee.To learn more information about the virtual conference and register, visit here.