News and Insights

Parent’s Day Wish List

Written by Shaska Dice | May 6, 2021 5:00:00 AM
As we approach our second Mother’s Day (and soon enough our second Father’s Day) in this COVID world, mothers and fathers everywhere are undoubtedly exhausted this year. What a 14 months it has been. Whether it’s the heartbreak we feel as we watch death tolls around the world keep ticking upwards, the communal outrage and empathy we feel when another child is taken from the world too soon, the constant feeling of being spread too thin, the fears we have for our children and loved ones or the guilt we feel when we retreat for a moment’s silence and respite. This year has been hard for intact families even where spouses can lean on one another for support. The toll on split-household families is almost unimaginable: no built in wingman and instead, ex-spouses or significant others with whom you cannot communicate, new spouses or significant others whose views and positions don’t necessarily align with your own, learning how to navigate remote schooling, virtual schedules, quarantine restrictions, and work from home over multiple households. Any one of these things could drive a parent to a breaking point.So this year, more so than ever, on the eve of Mother’s Day, perhaps we could all benefit from the following reminders: