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Reed Chisenhall And Dillon O'Toole Lead CLE On Navigating Divorce While Protecting Children's Mental Health

Written by Admin | Aug 22, 2023 5:00:00 AM
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck is pleased to announce that associates Reed Chisenhall and Dillon O’Toole will be presenting a comprehensive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program focusing on guiding clients through divorce while prioritizing the mental health and well-being of their children. Reed and Dillon will lead the insightful session, sharing practical approaches and strategies aimed at ensuring children remain emotionally removed from the proceedings. The program on "Navigating Divorce with Children's Well-Being in Mind" is presented by the Federal Bar Association and MyLawCLE and is approved for 1.5 CLE credits. The CLE program is designed to equip legal professionals with practical approaches and insightful practice tips for skillfully guiding clients through the divorce process while ensuring the well-being of their children remains paramount. The discussions will delve into sensitive topics, offering constructive methods to inform children about the divorce without exposing them to undue stress or hostilities between the parties involved.Reed and Dillon will address a range of critical aspects, including tailoring approaches based on the child's age, preventing client emotions from negatively affecting children's financial well-being, offering advice on setting realistic expectations with children during pending proceedings, and ways to avoid villainizing the other party. Additionally, the program will explore the timely topic of introducing a guardian ad litem when necessary and the best practices for discussing this with children.Key Topics:- Advising clients on when and how to inform children about divorce.- Counselling clients against discussing court proceedings with their children.- Tailoring communication strategies according to the child's age.- Mitigating the financial impact of client emotions on children.- Ensuring the child is not subjected to vilification of either party.- Guiding clients to avoid setting premature expectations during pending proceedings.- Recognizing the right time to involve a guardian ad litem and the child-centric approach to discuss it.The live-broadcast CLE program will take place on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 10am CST. Register here.Schiller DuCanto & Fleck is offering a free access pass. Use code SchillerDuCantoCLE.