Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP is pleased to announce its participation as a table sponsorof the 17th annual Unity Award Dinner hosted by the Diversity Scholarship Foundation, NFP on Tuesday, December 3, 2019. This annual event serves as the main fundraiser for scholarships and opportunities provided to deserving law students of diverse backgrounds.The celebration dinner honored several leaders in lawfor their efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion:Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride officiated the “Oath of Unity” pledge for the swearing-in ceremony of bar presidents across the Seventh Circuit. Those who take the pledge commit to promoting diversity and inclusion within the legal profession.Schiller DuCanto & Fleck attorney Adam Zebelian played a large part as a member of the planning committee for the event. Adam is well-regarded for his numerous leadership roles in helping to raise awareness and ability to impact change for not only the LGBTQ community but also for domestic violence survivors. Firm attorneys Kara Francis-Berry, Chimene Granados, Michele Jochner, Patrick Ryan, Anita Ventrelli, Su Wang, Evan Whitfield joined Adam in support of this noteworthy cause.The Diversity Scholarship Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that prides itself on providing scholarships to diverse and deserving law students. Additionally, the organization offers free continuing legal education seminars (CLEs) on a wide range of topics. To learn more, visit here.