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Top Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney

Written by Admin | Jan 19, 2020 6:00:00 AM
While divorce is a difficult process for anyone, hiring an attorney will make it a little easier. Here at Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP, we will help you navigate the paperwork, protect you, and provide support throughout the process. Here are the top reasons to hire a divorce attorney.The primary reason for anyone to hire an attorney in any case is protection. This is especially true in divorce. More often than not, there are hard feelings towards one another during a divorce, and it’s common for spouses to try to get as much out of the other person as possible. It could be money, investments, child support, property, and so on.We understand that you may not understand the language in law and the paperwork, so we’re here to help you understand the documents. In addition, our attorneys will walk you through the process and take as much time as you need. This will make the process much easier both in practice and emotionally.At Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, we are leading the way for collaborative divorce in Illinois. Collaborative law has become increasingly popular for its affordability compared to traditional litigation. In general, this is an alternative to traditional law because it focuses on problem-solving in a personal setting as opposed to court. This allows each party to resolve their problems and ensures that each individual is treated fairly.Often, couples are already separated when they’re in the divorce process, which means they may prefer to not talk directly with their spouse for various reasons. Another common reason to hire a divorce attorney is that they represent you in conversations, including those with your spouse.While many individuals go into court looking to “win,” we focus on getting you the best settlement for you and your future. Through our support, we give our very best to every case.