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What Cases a Family Lawyer Can Take On

Written by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 5:00:00 AM
Every family has its own unique dynamic, but some families reach a point where they need to involve attorneys. Luckily, there are lawyers who primarily focus on family law. You shouldn’t assume, however, that a family law attorney can handle all your family issues. We’re going to discuss what cases a family lawyer can take on in our guide below. Read on to learn more.Divorce or Legal SeparationNobody enters a marriage and plans to leave, but sometimes it’s necessary. Some of the most common cases that family lawyers accept are separation agreements. A family lawyer can represent you during a divorce that results in a dissolution of marriage. Alternatively, if you have personal or religious beliefs against divorce, a family law attorney can help you with a legal separation in which you and your partner will technically remain married.Child Custody and SupportFollowing divorce cases, family law attorneys also support families regarding child custody and support. Whether you’re already divorced or in the midst of a divorce, family lawyers can help you seek sole custody of your children. Additionally, family lawyers are able to provide services surrounding the amount of child support you receive or pay. So, whether you need more child support or you need to get your payments reduced, a family lawyer can help.Completing Wills, Prenuptial, and Postnuptial AgreementsThere are dozens of documents that married couples should complete. One of those documents is a will, which determines how assets will be divided when you and your spouse pass away. Some couples also opt to complete prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. A prenuptial agreement occurs before marriage, while a postnuptial agreement occurs after marriage. Both documents are legally binding and dictate the division of assets and debts in the event of a divorce or the death of a partner.Now that you know what cases a family lawyer can take on, does it sound like you need one? Whether you’re getting married or not, you can use the services of a family law firm. It’s vital that you choose a law firm carefully because they’re certainly not all equal. Some law firms work for you—others merely want your money.If you want an Illinois family law attorney that works with your best interest in mind, Schiller DuCanto & Fleck is firm for you. Our seasoned attorneys have decades of experience to help you with all the family legal services you need. Give us a call today to set up your initial appointment.