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What Happens When You Don't Pay Child Support?

Written by Admin | Jan 21, 2020 6:00:00 AM
Whether you or your spouse has the responsibility of paying child support is beside the point. Child support payments are vital to caring for a child, and the parent responsible for paying must meet that obligation. Failure to make payments without formal communication between the spouse and attorneys can result in severe penalties. If you’re searching for more information regarding what happens when you don't pay child support, our guide below will give you an idea of the severity of missing payments.Missing or disobeying the order to pay child support can lead to several fines that can cost you thousands more than you originally owed. There are also penalties that the state can put in place, such as liens on property or denying tax refunds. Additionally, the state could prohibit an individual from crossing state lines or traveling out of the country if they intend to skip payments.If someone fails to pay child support without a reasonable cause or a formally reported hardship, the state can begin to garnish their wages. Garnished wages can include but are not limited to net salary, unemployment, and social security. Furthermore, the state can retract some privileges, including suspending one’s driver’s license and passport.Unfortunately, some individuals will go to great lengths to avoid paying child support, which leads to tens of thousands of dollars of child support owed, not including fines. If you or your spouse are purposely avoiding child support, the other party can file a contempt order to make a formal demand for child support. If the payer still doesn’t make payments, the judge can order an arrest warrant and put them in jail. While jail time is the last resort, judges can incarcerate a parent for not paying child support if wage garnishment and other measures don’t work.If your spouse owes child support but hasn’t been paying, get a child support attorney involved. Without the help of an attorney, you might not receive the payments that you––and your child––rightfully and lawfully deserve.If you’re searching for child support lawyers in Illinois, look no further than Schiller DuCanto & Fleck. Our lawyers have extensive experience in Illinois family law, and we strive to work in a manner that supports your best interests. For more information, or to begin a consultation, contact us today.