News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Oct 24, 2022

The Write Stuff

Originally published in the 2022 Best Lawyers Litigation publication on September 8, ...
Jan 06, 2015

Private Conversations Protected Under New Illinois Eavesdropping Law

On December 30, 2014, Gov. Quinn approved new rules regarding how private ...
Jan 16, 2014

The Federal Government Recognizes the Validity of Utah Same-Sex Marriages

Within the past month, the eyes of the nation have focused on developments in Utah ...
Nov 26, 2013

Recent Report Reveals that Billions in Child Support Go Unpaid

A recent report issued by the U.S. Census Bureau revealed startling statistics regarding ...
Mar 04, 2013

The Illinois Supreme Court Allows Guardians to File Petitions for Dissolution of Marriage on Behalf of Wards in Karbin v. Karbin

The population of the United States is getting older. The most recent census, conducted ...
Aug 24, 2016

New Study Finds Seasonal Increases in Divorce

The transition from the summer to fall season usually brings to mind students returning ...
Dec 19, 2014

Chicago Works to Improve Response to Domestic Violence Cases

The spotlight on efforts to combat domestic violence continues to shine on groundbreaking ...
Jan 06, 2014

Utah Petitions the United States Supreme Court to Stay Gay Marriages After a Federal Court Strikes Down its Ban as Unconstitutional

The recently-concluded holiday season found parties on both sides of the marriage ...
Jun 05, 2013

The Gray Divorce Revolution

The graying of America is moving full speed ahead. It is estimated that 10,000 people are ...
Feb 25, 2013

Illinois Enacts “Erin’s Law”

The statistics are deeply troubling. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victim of ...
Jan 19, 2016

In a Divorce, Illinois Courts Have No Authority to Order Pet “Visitation”

Americans love their pets. Recent studies estimate that roughly 78 million dogs and 86 ...
Oct 13, 2014

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Remedies Available to Illinois Victims

The statistics are extremely troubling, and here are only a few. Nationally, every 9 ...
Dec 30, 2013

North Dakota Attorney General Issues Legal Opinion That a Man in a Same-Sex Marriage May Marry a Woman

A man who was validly married to another man in a state that recognizes same-sex ...
Apr 01, 2013

The U. S. Supreme Court Hears Marriage Equality Cases

Recently, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments on two consecutive days in ...

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