News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Jan 26, 2024

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - January 2024

Trial Court Abused Discretion in Ordering Sale of Marital Residence During Pendency of ...
Oct 24, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - October 2023

Trial Court Had Authority To Modify Parentage and Child Support Judgment Issued by ...
Jun 28, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - June 2023

Factual Finding That Wife Was Unable To Work Due to Time and Effort Needed To Care for ...
Mar 29, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - March 2023

Assisted Reproduction Statute, Not Parent-Child Relationship Statute, Governs Issue of ...
Dec 29, 2022

Top Ten Family Law Flash Points of 2022

1. Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Ruling That Maintenance Payments, as Set Forth in ...
Dec 27, 2023

Top Ten Family Law Flash Points of 2023

1. Assisted-Reproduction Statute, Not Parentage Act, Governs Issue of Paternity When ...
Sep 22, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - September 2023

Denial of Intrastate Relocation Reversed by Appellate CourtInBurmood v. Anderson,2023 IL ...
May 25, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - May 2023

AUTHOR’S NOTE: There were no published family law cases of note decided in ...
Feb 28, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - February 2023

Trial Court’s Bar of Evidence Pertaining to Wife’s Alleged Medical Condition UpheldThe ...
Nov 28, 2022

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - November 2022

Trial Court’s Award of Joint Decision-Making and Equal Parenting Time Reversed and ...
Nov 22, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - November 2023

Guardian ad Litem Statute Amended Effective January 1, 2024Section 506 of the Illinois ...
Aug 22, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - August 2023

Determination That Illinois Was Children’s Home State Was Not in Contravention of Trial ...
Apr 28, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - April 2023

Denial of Motion To Dismiss Lawsuit Filed by Testator’s Children To Enforce Judgment for ...
Jan 30, 2023

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - January 2023

Trial Court’s Order Escrowing Real Estate Sales Proceeds Postjudgment UpheldInIn re ...
Aug 15, 2022

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - August 2022

Agreed Plenary Order of Protection Upheld After Hearing on Motion To VacateInMcNulty v. ...

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