News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Sep 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - September 2016

1. IMDMA trailer bill to take effect January 1, 2017. The “clean-up” bill to last year’s ...
Aug 01, 2016

Medical Decisions, Immunizations and the Start of School

The month of August is known as National Immunization Awareness Month. Children will be ...
Jun 14, 2016

Privilege Issues Pop Up with “Handlers”

Singer Marvin Gaye’s signature lyric, “I heard it through the grapevine,” is particularly ...
May 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - May 2016

1. Attorneys’ fees are not equivalent to “lost wages” for a pro se litigant under 508(b). ...
Mar 10, 2016

US Supreme Court Upholds Adoption Rights

As an adoptive parent, I could not be more pleased to read the outcome of the case of V.L ...
Aug 24, 2016

New Study Finds Seasonal Increases in Divorce

The transition from the summer to fall season usually brings to mind students returning ...
Jul 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - July 2016

1. Dissipation due to engaging in high-risk securities trading upheld. Ex-husband ...
Jun 14, 2016

Summer Parenting

Summer is here! While soaking in the warm sun and enjoying outdoor activities are top ...
Apr 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - April 2016

1. Bank statements and tax returns properly admitted into evidence as admission of ...
Mar 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - March 2016

1. Trial court’s $196,250 valuation of a family business that managed investment accounts ...
Aug 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - August 2016

1. First District holds earned fees already paid are not subject to disgorgement. After a ...
Jun 22, 2016

Domestic Violence

Recently, the news and social media outlets have been inundated with domestic violence ...
Jun 01, 2016

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - June 2016

1. Wrongful death proceeds received by ex-husband constitute income for purposes of child ...
Mar 28, 2016

Should We Sell the House?

In the event of divorce, issues often arise with regard to the marital residence. In many ...
Feb 11, 2016

For Better or For Worse

Spouses contemplating divorce often factor into their decision as to whether or not they ...

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