News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Dec 12, 2013

“Egg Agents” Create a New and Booming Industry

We know the role talent agents perform in the entertainment industry: they match their ...
Nov 27, 2013

Giving Thanks for Family Caregivers

As families across our Nation gather to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, it is fitting ...
Nov 08, 2013

2014 Retirement Figures Released

Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration ...
Oct 28, 2013

The “Without Prejudice” Order

When is a “without prejudice” order really without prejudice? In my experience, rarely. ...
Sep 27, 2013

Modifying Custody Post-Judgment: A Two-Step Analysis

Before any parent signs on the dotted line to their custody agreement, they should ...
Dec 09, 2013

Olympic Skier’s Cross-Country Custody Battle Has Potential to Create Nationwide Precedent

The nine-month-old infant named Nate was brought into a New York courtroom, cradled in ...
Nov 20, 2013

Marriage Equality and Divorce Equality Reach Illinois

On November 20, 2013, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the Religious Freedom ...
Nov 07, 2013

US Senate Approves Gay Rights Bill

This afternoon, the United States Senate passed historic gay rights legislation in its ...
Oct 18, 2013

The Supreme Court Clarifies Rules on Disgorgement for Interim Attorney Fees and Rejects the Use of Advance Payment Retainers in Dissolution Actions

In In re Marriage of Earlywine, 2013 IL 114779, the Illinois Supreme Court recently ...
Sep 24, 2013

Workers’ Compensation Settlement is Income for Child Support

Most couples will have to alter their child support arrangement at least once at some ...
Dec 01, 2013

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - December 2013

1. Trial court reversed for not considering husband’s nontaxable social security payments ...
Nov 13, 2013

The Emotional Cost of Divorce Proceedings

Adjustment Disorder, including situational depression or anxiety, is a short term ...
Nov 05, 2013

Illinois House Approves Gay Marriage Bill

On Tuesday afternoon, the Illinois House voted 61-54, narrowly surpassing the required 60 ...
Oct 01, 2013

Disposition of Frozen Embryos is Governed by Contract

Although the Illinois Supreme Court accepts only 4% of the Petitions for Leave to Appeal ...
Sep 22, 2013

Special Considerations When Marrying a Non-U.S. Resident

When an American citizen marries a non-U.S. resident, special focus must be given to the ...

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