News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Feb 11, 2015


Marital infidelity is common and much has been written on the subject. Recently, the Wall ...
Oct 05, 2014

How You Benefit From a Collaborative Divorce and Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Collaborative Lawyer

Before you choose the proper lawyer for yourself, you need to look at how one defines a ...
Apr 29, 2014

Special Considerations for Special Needs Children During Divorce

Each year, approximately 6,000 children born in the U.S. have Down Syndrome, [1]as many ...
Mar 24, 2014

Eavesdropping in Illinois No Longer a Crime? That is Correct, For the Time Being.

The Illinois Supreme Court just unanimously ruled the Illinois eavesdropping law ...
Jan 13, 2014

The Right of First Refusal: A Step Toward Less Headaches

Effective January 1, 2014, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act was ...
Jul 31, 2014

Custody Awards to Stay at Home Fathers – Myth or Reality

Most people would like to believe that custody laws in Illinois are gender neutral. While ...
Mar 25, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin Separate in “Conscious Uncoupling”

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced this week that they are ending their 11 year ...
Feb 17, 2014

The Income Conundrum: What is and is not Income for Child Support Purposes?

Over the last several months, the Illinois Appellate Court has had numerous opportunities ...
Jan 08, 2014

The United States Supreme Court Grants Utah’s Application for Stay, Thereby Halting Same-Sex Marriages in that State

On January 6th, we reported on the pending application for a stay filed with the United ...
Oct 06, 2014

Going Through A Divorce? Plan For The Holidays Now With Your Children In Mind

Going through a divorce is difficult anytime, but especially when there are contested ...
Jul 22, 2014

A Major Blow to Obamacare? Depends on who you ask

In an odd twist, just hours apart, two Federal Appellate Courts came out with different ...
Mar 25, 2014

The Executive Divorce – 10 Strategies for Keeping It Private

Executives, such as self-employed presidents of closely held companies, the C suite (CEO, ...
Jan 30, 2014

IRA, Roth IRA, MyRA, What’s a MyRA?

On January 28th, in his fifth State of the Union Address, President Obama announced the ...
Jan 01, 2014

Options to Consider to Help Obtain Child Support Payments

We recently reported in an earlier blog entry that U.S. Census Bureau statistics showed ...

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