News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Feb 11, 2015


Marital infidelity is common and much has been written on the subject. Recently, the Wall ...
Jan 01, 2015

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - January 2015

1. Section 2-1401 claim allowed to go forward due to potential nondisclosure of a marital ...
Oct 06, 2014

Going Through A Divorce? Plan For The Holidays Now With Your Children In Mind

Going through a divorce is difficult anytime, but especially when there are contested ...
Sep 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - September 2014

1. New maintenance statute sets guidelines for cases where the parties’ combined gross ...
Feb 01, 2015

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - February 2015

1. Domestic partner allowed to pursue claims of partition, unjust enrichment, and ...
Dec 19, 2014

Chicago Works to Improve Response to Domestic Violence Cases

The spotlight on efforts to combat domestic violence continues to shine on groundbreaking ...
Nov 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - November 2014

1. Husband did not transmute his nonmarital inheritance into marital property by ...
Oct 05, 2014

How You Benefit From a Collaborative Divorce and Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Collaborative Lawyer

Before you choose the proper lawyer for yourself, you need to look at how one defines a ...
Aug 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - August 2014

1. Petition for contribution of attorneys’ fees filed by former counsel allowed to ...
Jan 06, 2015

Private Conversations Protected Under New Illinois Eavesdropping Law

On December 30, 2014, Gov. Quinn approved new rules regarding how private ...
Dec 01, 2014

Top Ten Family Law Flash Points of 2014

1. Illinois Supreme Court holds that the omission of a payor’s social security number ...
Oct 13, 2014

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Remedies Available to Illinois Victims

The statistics are extremely troubling, and here are only a few. Nationally, every 9 ...
Oct 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - October 2014

1. Preponderance of evidence standard is applicable in removal cases. In a parentage ...
Jul 31, 2014

Custody Awards to Stay at Home Fathers – Myth or Reality

Most people would like to believe that custody laws in Illinois are gender neutral. While ...

Looking for a firm that knows Family Law, inside and out? We're ready to listen.