News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Jul 22, 2014

A Major Blow to Obamacare? Depends on who you ask

In an odd twist, just hours apart, two Federal Appellate Courts came out with different ...
Jun 11, 2014

On Father’s Day and Divorced Dads

Perhaps the most traumatic repercussion of a divorce is the inability to see one’s ...
Apr 29, 2014

Special Considerations for Special Needs Children During Divorce

Each year, approximately 6,000 children born in the U.S. have Down Syndrome, [1]as many ...
Mar 25, 2014

The Executive Divorce – 10 Strategies for Keeping It Private

Executives, such as self-employed presidents of closely held companies, the C suite (CEO, ...
Mar 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - March 2014

1. The approach in Illinois for resolving a dispute over the disposition of pre-embryos ...
Jul 07, 2014

The High Cost of a DIY Divorce Agreement

Family law attorneys help people with their divorces and also with issues that arise ...
Jun 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - June 2014

1. Mootness doctrine precludes Supreme Court from rendering an opinion on the ...
Apr 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - April 2014

1. Post-judgment sole custody award to father upheld even though he did not petition for ...
Mar 24, 2014

Eavesdropping in Illinois No Longer a Crime? That is Correct, For the Time Being.

The Illinois Supreme Court just unanimously ruled the Illinois eavesdropping law ...
Feb 17, 2014

The Income Conundrum: What is and is not Income for Child Support Purposes?

Over the last several months, the Illinois Appellate Court has had numerous opportunities ...
Jul 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - July 2014

1. Illinois Supreme Court upholds decision providing for custodial parent to pay child ...
May 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - May 2014

1. Illinois Supreme Court rules 604(b) evaluator fees are not court costs under the Code ...
Mar 25, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin Separate in “Conscious Uncoupling”

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced this week that they are ending their 11 year ...
Mar 05, 2014

A Child Does Not have the Right to Ultimately Choose His or Her Custodian

One of the pervasive urban myths that I have heard during my many years of family law ...
Feb 01, 2014

IICLE Family Law Flash Points - February 2014

1. Timing for appealing denial of petition to vacate judgment and request for downward ...

Looking for a firm that knows Family Law, inside and out? We're ready to listen.