News and Insights

Our success, influence and size is noteworthy. Our attorneys are bright and insightful, and the cases we take on are often newsworthy.
Aug 23, 2011

Illinois Spousal Support Laws: Cohabitation Conundrum

Illinois is one of only a few states where spousal support (commonly referred to as ...
Jul 01, 2011

Far Reaching Effects of New York’s Legalization of Gay Marriage

The New York State legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomolegalized same-sex marriagefor ...
May 16, 2011

Can There Be Such a Thing As a Civil Divorce?

Can couples part in a way that is respectful and does not add to a distressing situation? ...
Mar 01, 2011

Obligations of a Reviewable Maintenance Recipient

Upon divorce, courts in Illinois typically award one of three types of maintenance to a ...
Jan 11, 2011

Protect Your Child’s College Savings

Litigants in a contested divorce often find that there are precious few matters on which ...
Jul 26, 2011

Understanding Your Client’s Mental Health Needs

When working with a client going through the often difficult process of divorce, taking ...
Jun 02, 2011

First Divorce Filing For Same Sex Couple in Illinois

As of June 1, 2011,same-sex couples are permittedto apply for civil union licenses under ...
Apr 25, 2011

Will They or Won’t They?

As thecountdownto the “Wedding of the Century” enters its final days, there has been much ...
Feb 17, 2011

Tax Filing or Fooling: Review Your Spouse’s Tax Forms

Among the annual rites of spring is the filing of your income tax return. In the majority ...
Dec 22, 2010

Unique Jurisdictional Issues in Multi-State Child Support Modification Cases

In a case of first impression, the Illinois Appellate Court has now decided where a child ...
Jul 06, 2011

Professional Sports & Family Law: Lockout Does Not Necessarily Equal Support Modification

As of July 1, 2011, both the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball ...
May 23, 2011

Protecting Your Lifestyle During and After Divorce

Divorce can be an emotionally stressful and challenging time. Unfortunately, the divorce ...
Mar 17, 2011

Retaining Your Non Marital Property After Divorce

Most people contemplating or going through a divorce are looking to retain as much of ...
Jan 24, 2011

How to Avoid Financial Distress in Divorce

Intoday’s economic environment, it is a very difficult decision to opt for a divorce and ...
Dec 08, 2010

Divorce Among Professional Women

A recent post titled “Women Breadwinners More Likely To Divorce” cited a new 25-year ...

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